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How To Edit Your Mirrored Furniture Pieces

Do you have a beautiful piece of mirrored furniture that you cannot quite photograph right? The reflection is all wrong or not appealing. Let’s fix it!

How To Edit Your Mirrored Furniture Pieces

How To Edit Your Mirrored Furniture Pieces

First let me start by saying, I do not use my phone to edit my photos. If you are a “do everything on my phone” person. This probably won’t help you, orrrr it might….it may give you the basics you need to know to do it on your mobile device 🙂 Now I am going to show you a few things or pieces that I am not so proud of, not the work I did, but how I totally RUINED the picture with my old ways of “fixing” a mirror image. If this is you right now, then praise the lord because you are about to be saved!!

How We Learn From Our Mistakes

How To Edit Your Mirrored Furniture Pieces

Okay so lets look here. What a beautiful awesome piece right? But thennnnnn….what did I DO TO THE MIRROR??!?!?! I will tell you. I am pretty sure I saw somewhere to use spray deodorant on your mirrors for photos. Look if we can’t poke fun at ourselves and how far we have come then what do we REALLY have? I mean come on….I totally ruined a perfect photo. So are you still with me? Is or was this you? Come on it’s okay you can admit it. Now where do we go from here??? UP my friends UP!!! Let’s look at what this picture should be…..

How To Edit Your Mirrored Furniture Pieces

Now…..doesn’t that look MUCH better????

I mean LOOK…LOOK at all three next to each other again….

How To Edit Your Mirrored Furniture Pieces

Let’s Edit Your Mirrored Furniture Pieces

Okay so NOW down to the good stuff!!

I use the program Pic Monkey and I use my laptop for all my editing. So what I am about to show you is that program on my laptop.

Step-One- Go to and find a photo that you think would go with your piece, you could also take your own picture, or get permission from a photographer for a photo. Just be sure that whatever image you use, you have permission or it is royalty free, this will help you avoid copyright issues.

How To Edit Your Mirrored Furniture Pieces

Go to PicMonkey and click the EDIT icon. Once you click that, find the file your mirrored furniture is in.

Once you have opened your mirrored furniture photo, you will click on the butterfly icon. Then you will go over to the “add your own” and “my computer” buttons. Find your file that we recently spoke about, you know the images from Yeah that file, pick it.

Once you choose your file from the, your picture will pop up on top of the other picture. Resize your picture to fit the mirror on your piece. Click over on the eraser tab so you can start erasing the overlapping picture on your mirrored furniture. Once you have the eraser tool, you can erase the picture all around the mirror.

How To Edit Your Mirrored Furniture Pieces

Just continue to erase the overlapping picture to fit the mirror.

How To Edit Your Mirrored Furniture Pieces

Once you are done, you can export your photo to your desktop on your computer and use it with it’s nice pretty, clean reflection!

I hope this helped you and I was someone who have shown me long ago!!

I have also attached a video for you. BELOW.


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