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How To Paint Fabric And Make It Look Professional

Transform your upholstered furniture with paint! Yes you can paint fabric without it being crunchy. Let me show you how I paint fabric for a perfect finish.

paint fabric with Dixie Belle paint

How To Paint Fabric And Make It Look Professional

I have to say first and foremost, you need a piece where the fabric is already in decent shape. If your fabric is ripped this will not help it. Now if your fabric is stained or just plain ugly, then let’s rock and roll!!! I am going to show you how to paint fabric without it getting crunchy and cracking!! You don’t need a lot of supplies either!! SCORE!

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Supply List:

  1. Muscadine Wine Chalk Mineral Paint (or whatever color you choose)

  2. Best Dang Wax in Clear (must be clear)

  3. Misting Spray Bottle

  4. Synthetic Brush

  5. Surf Prep Sanding System (or any electric powered sander)

  6. Mixing Cup

  7. Stir Stick

Why Use Paint On Fabric?

Well for one, it is much cheaper. Two, not everyone has the ability to re-upholster or pay for it. Painting fabric is easy. Let me show you the chairs we will be working on. These were for a client. I am not saying they are my favorite but I am not saying I hate them either. As a result we are painting them!

Mixing Paint and Wax- Say WHAT?!?!?!

Now I have to say, that this will work with Dixie Belle Products because the paint AND the wax is water based. I MIX my paint and wax before I paint. You have two options here, one mix the solid wax into the paint. Two, use a double broiler like setup to melt the wax (don’t put it in a microwave) and then mix it into your paint. Either way will work, I have done both. Generally I use the following measurements of 6 oz of paint and roughly 1/3 C of wax.

Dixie Belle paint

Dixie Belle paint

Painting The Fabric

The key to this step is to mist your fabric. You do NOT want to saturate the fabric but you don’t want it to be damp so the paint will move much easier. Do thin coats so that way you aren’t mashing too much paint into the fabric. Painting more thin coats is better than painting thick and less coats.

painting fabric

How Does The Fabric Stay Soft?

Sanding AFTER your paint has dried! I use my surf prep but you can use any electric sander. I sand in between each coat of paint with about a 120 grit sand paper.

painting cabinets

You will just repeat this process until your chair has full coverage. For these chairs I needed two coats.

I put together a video for you as well!! Check it out below 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Don’t forget to subscribe ❤️

I also painted the frame of these chairs. I would love to hear what you think. Have you ever painted fabric? Do you want to? Check out the final transformation below 👇🏻👇🏻

painted chairs

Let me know what you think in comments below 👇🏻👇🏻

Thank you so much XOXO

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