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Your Guide On How To Paint Plastic Dresser Drawers That Will Last

Did you know that during the 70’s high end manufacturers like Basset used plastic dresser drawers? Learn how to paint those plastic dresser drawers to last!

Your Guide On How To Paint Plastic Dresser Drawers That Will Last

Your Guide On How To Paint Plastic Dresser Drawers That Will Last

Did you know that in the 70’s and 80’s big named furniture manufacterers used to use moulds to make their drawer fronts? Typically it was done on the Hollywood Regency style of furniture. Today we think of plastic furniture or drawers as a lost cause in this furnniture flipping life. DON’T! DO NOT pass up another piece with plastic drawer fronts again!

The drawers fronts were made with moulds that they poured a high quality plastic material. Why? Because most of the designs were very ornate and it would be 1. extremely time consuming and 2. very expensive to mass produces these products with wood. The rest of the piece is extremely durable and tough and many time made of solid wood. I am going to show you how to paint plastic dresser drawers so you NEVER have to pass up a piece like that again!

Supplies Needed

  1. Slick Stick by Dixie Belle

  2. High Quality Synthetic Paint Brush

  3. Cobalt Blue by Dixie Belle

  4. Gator Hide by Dixie Belle

  5. Patchwork Decor Transfer by Redesign

Let’s Talk About The Plastic Dresser Drawers

This piece that I picked up is made from Bassett Furniture Company. It’s a very reputable company that many people have grown to love and trust. For the pieces with plastic dresser drawers I still prep the furniture. You can find how I prep my below.

Get The Simple And Easy Guide To Furniture Preparation

I fully prepped this piece before I did anything else. Once the piece was nice and clean and I removed all the hardware I started to work on it.

O here’s the piece… this a furniture face only a mother could love? Maybe. But I saw potential!

Your Guide On How To Paint Plastic Dresser Drawers That Will Last

How Do You Make Your Plastic Dresser Drawers Last?

You will need to make sure you prep your piece like I said above. Then you will need Dixie Belle’s Slick Stick! Slick Stick is a gripping primer that you can use on any non-pourus surface. This is the perfect product to prime your plastic dresser drawers. You will want to follow the directions on the jar but I can break it down like this. Paint a coat. I am not going to lie I SPRAYED my plastic dresser drawers because… you SEE all that detail? IF you choose to spray over hand painting the Slick Stick you will just want to add a little water to the Slick Stick.

Your Guide On How To Paint Plastic Dresser Drawers That Will Last

You will want to put one coat on let it dry and then once it is dry and you wait about an hour, you will do the second coat. At this point you will want to wait 24 hours before you paint. Once you are ready to paint you will paint right over the Slick Stick. It’s so simple you could even get your child to do it….I kid she wanted to help 🙂

Dixie Belle does NOT require a top coat but my advice with non-pourus surface is to get it as sturdy as you possibly can! So if it were me I would seal your piece after painting with one of Dixie Belle’s Clear Coats or Gator Hide!

Could you imagine that THIS is what you could create with a piece with plastic dresser drawers?? Open your mind and the possibilities are endless!!!

Your Guide On How To Paint Plastic Dresser Drawers That Will Last

What do you think? Do you feel more comfortable painting a slick surface now? Let me know!!



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